09 apr
PRO-08235 DeskOpe. Website 12:00 to 13.30 Hrs
  1. Expand module is removed
  2. Data migration is in scope
  3. Session timeout increase to 30 minutes
13 apr
PRO-08235 Lexa Corp. 12:00 to 13.30 Hrs
  1. Scheming module is removed
  2. App design contract confirmed
  3. Client request to send invoice
22 apr
PRO-027865 Opera module 12:00 to 13.30 Hrs
  1. Scope is revised and updated
  2. Time-line has been changed
  3. Received approval to start wire-frame
Manuella Nevoresky
CEO - Founder
Samuel Hardy
CEO - Founder
Tom Sunderland
CEO - Founder
John Tarly
CEO - Founder