Maternity Ward

Maternity Department newly renovated and started servicing clients in July 2012, it was officially inaugurated in May 2013. Services and client numbers are constantly expanding. It is the only National Referral Maternity ward and treats cases from all the regions with varying degrees of complications during pregnancy, antepartum and post-partum periods. Furthermore the Neonatal ICU, Pre Unit, is constantly increasing its treatment profile, in line with the modern neonatal ICU units. WCH Maternity caters to private and state patients alike.

The maternity wards are host to a number of students from various training institutions. There students are prepared in clinical practice for services as future midwives/registered nurses.

There are 4 units in the department

  • Antenatal Clinic
  • Antenatal ward
  • Post Natal Ward
  • Prem Unit
  1. Antenatal Clinic (ANC)

Antenatal clinic services include First Visit and Follow up visits for pregnant women of all ages. During these visits women will receive routine screening (BP, Urine, HGT, Blood profile, immunization services, abdominal palpation, sonar and Doctors consultations). Furthermore all women will be enrolled into the PMTCT programme for active screening, counselling, testing (and ARV care when this applies) for the prevention of the mother to child transmission of the HIV. They receive general and specific health education to pregnancy, labor and post natal related issues.

ANC caters for the 6 weeks follow up after delivery, where routine investigations are done to monitor healthy progress and recovery post-delivery. Children will be screened and receive their follow up vaccinations.

Furthermore, ANC provides pap smears and is due to start Cryotherapy in due course.

  1. Antenatal ward (ANW)

Antenatal ward caters for normal and complicated deliveries and caesarean section for state and private clients. Many referrals are received from the regions who are unable to cope with major complications. Patients with hypertensive disorders and diabetics during pregnancy may be admitted for observation purposes during the antenatal period.

  1. Post Natal Ward

Post natal Ward is a ward experiencing high turnover of patients and an occupancy rate of above 100%. Staff assist women and their newborns to adapt to postpartum life with issues ranging from breast feeding, depression, social adjustments and family adjustments. The ward sees a high number of patients with complications ranging from pregnancy induced hypertension, to post-partum hemorrhages, neonatal jaundice and other issues. Staff initiate ARV therapy for infants when indicated and all infants receive their first immunization prior to discharge.

  1. Prem Unit

Prem Unit is morphing into an international level 3 Neonatal ICU catering for various complications of new born. The complications begin with severe prematurity, respiratory and circulatory difficulties, congenital abnormalities and complication of pregnancy and labor, such as Meconium Aspiration Syndrome. Almost half of the patients admitted to Prem Unit are referrals from Katutura Intermediate Hospital and hospitals from the regions. Most patients receive specialized screening such as ultrasounds, CTGs, echocardiograms etc. Prem Unit is highly specialized are with patients who are extremely immune compromised. For this reason Prem Unit subscribes to a strict no-visitors policy and infection control procedures. Yet approximately 20-30% of patients pass away due to sepsis.

PNW and Prem Unit cater for lodgers (Mother‘s whose babies are admitted to Prem Unit) as we promote and support exclusive breastfeeding and Kangaroo Mother Care for all our patients. WCH maternity has two social workers attached to the department to assist mothers and families to cope with social issues, loss and grieving and counselling.  




 Private Patients per Day

 State Patients

 Antenatal Ward



 Prem/Neo Natal Unit



 Post Natal Ward

 N$680.00 – normal delivery

 N$680.00 – Caesarian Section

 N$500.00 - for use of theatre

 N$30.00 - per minute in theatre



Please take note all private patients without medical aid need to pay a deposit upon admission, which are as follows:

Foreign Patients: N$1500.00

Namibian Patients: N$750.00